Community-led protection of the ocean

Healthy coastal fisheries are vital to the food security, economic prosperity, and climate resilience of coastal communities around the world. Through our Fish Forever program, Rare works with fishers to revitalize coastal fisheries, and partners with local leaders, governments, funders, and NGOs to empower local communities to manage them sustainably.


Aerial coastal fishing community with boats.

The Community Seas: A vital part of the ocean

Fish Forever focuses on revitalizing coastal waters, where high human activity meets high biodiversity. We call these the “Community Seas” as they are critical to the food security, livelihoods, and climate resilience of communities around the world.

Why the community seas?

300 HA Marine Protected Area.

Accelerating toward 30×30 with community-led management

To achieve the ambitious global goal of protecting 30 percent of the ocean by 2030, we need to expand the ocean conservation toolbox. Rare works with governments and local communities to implement Other Effective area-based Conservation Measure (OECMs) that pair effective protection with sustainable use.

Our community-led approach

Photo of a group of local leaders taking their Coastal 500 pledge.

Elevating local leaders

Mayors and other local leaders are key to implementing protections for communities and ecosystems. The Coastal 500 initiative, supported by Rare, is the largest global network of mayors and local government leaders committed to working towards thriving and prosperous coastal communities.

Meet the Coastal 500

Stories & Impact


OECMs: Expanding the tools of ocean conservation
The guardians of the mangrove: safeguarding life on Brazil’s Amazon coast
Braving the Tides: The woman protecting Del Carmen’s Seas

Fish Forever around the world

Fish Forever Progress Update

Our Fish Forever Progress Update is a bi-monthly update on the impact Rare and our partners are having in coastal communities and for coastal ecosystems.

Unlocking the potential of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures
October 23, 2024
Celebrating Palau's New Managed Access Area
July 22, 2024

See All updates


Our Fish Forever Program Partners

A sampling of donors and partners—past and present—who support Rare’s Fish Forever program.

fish forever partner and donor logos.



The Case for Protecting and Managing the World’s Territorial Seas
Pathways to Establishing Managed Access and Networks of Reserves
Fish Forever: Then and Now

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Rare inspires change so people and nature thrive.

Help empower coastal fishing communities to restore, protect, and sustainably manage coastal seas.


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A Fisher pulling his boat to shore in Mozambique.